your cosmetic clinic
What is Sunekos?
Sunekos is a new injectable treatment containing a patented formula of amino acids and Hyaluronic acid. It regenerates the Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) by stimulating the fibroblasts in the skin to produce a complete mix of collagen and elastin. Sunekos is a great option for patients who wish to maintain a more natural look, or those who do not want or need Botox or fillers.
How long will it last?
Sunekos lasts up to 6 months, but research suggests that there is still improvement in the skin for approximately 8 months afterwards.
Who is suitable for this kind of treatment?
People over the age of 30 who are uncomfortable with skin laxity, crepe-like skin or other visible signs of aging such as fine lines or wrinkles.
Is there any down time?
There is no downtime. It is advisable to avoid alcohol, aspirin or anti-inflammatory medication in the 24 hours before treatment. Immediately after treatment you should avoid wearing make-up, and give sports, swimming and any other strenuous physical activity a miss for 24 hours. It is also best to avoid saunas and steam rooms for a few days after treatment.